Diamond letters from SOVA

Diamond letters from SOVA: addition to The Diamond lines collection.
There is a 35% discount on new products under the BLACK SALE promotion until December 13.
The SOVA jewelry house presented diamond novelties - Latin letters made of white gold and scattered diamonds, which are part of The Diamond lines collection.
You can give pendants in the form of diamond letters a special meaning by choosing the first letter of your name, or the initials of a child, loved ones, or people dear to you. So they will always be with you in the form of fragile, but exquisite jewelry. Personalize pendants - combine several letters at once, or collect a whole word that will take on a special meaning for you.
Diamond letters can be styled as pendants for necklaces, bracelets, brooches, or Congo earrings. And also combine with necklaces from other collections, creating a multi-layered effect.