Master class on providing care for fractures and bleeding

Lavina Fracture and Bleeding Care Masterclass.
Lavina shopping center together with MIRUM Clinic launched a series of educational workshops, where specialists tell how to properly and timely provide first aid to victims in various situations. Next up is a master class on providing assistance for fractures and bleeding!
In the program:
◾️ 3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.: educational lecture by an orthopedic traumatologist
◾️ 16:00–16:10: raffle of certificates from MIRUM Clinic
◾️ 16:10–17:00: performance of the cover band So much
A free master class will be held in the lobby of the shopping center on October 8, next to the fountain, for everyone. And among all participants who pre-register for the master class, we will draw 30 certificates to the Galaxy amusement park. The main condition: to be present at the master class.
Register here:
Also, several more interesting master classes are planned in our shopping center:
On October 1, to provide pre-medical assistance to children:
and on October 15 for providing assistance in case of loss of consciousness.
And if you are interested in the topic of medical care, we also invite you to a full course of pre-medical care at MIRUM Сlinic. An anesthesiologist and orthopedic traumatologist will explain in more detail how to provide help after a road accident, what to do in case of bleeding, how to use tourniquets and much more useful information. More details:
Get involved, because it's important and can save someone's life!